Winning Chess Openings - 9 Rules That Would Let You Win The Game
Winning Chess Openings is about the Chess game which is two player game played by professional and amateurs throughout the world. It is 64 squares game arranged on a hard board with pawns on it. Winning Chess openings are defined as the best possible moves that will increase the chance of winning in the start. Many players throughout the world played this game with their intellect and sorted out new techniques to overcome the opponent strategy.
There are some chess openings which can be very advantageous for the best strategy against the opponent. I will like to share their names also as follows:
- The Ruy Lopez This opening is one of the greatest proven openings out in the gameplay. This opening carries an advantage in the strategy of the white line. If this plays correctly, then it will carry a small advantage, though. But it will develop a game plan which builds a castle attack in a winning way. The name of this opening relates to its inventor Ruy Lopez in 1400.
- Sicilian defense This is one of the most complex and best defenses you will ever find in the history of this game. The discovery of this strategy marks its history from 1604 to 1800s. This opening is considered bad because it is so ambiguous to play it correctly on the board during the game strategy. It is totally dependent on black checks; therefore, it can range from bad to ok and then great.
- The queen’s Gambit This opening is one of the most common strategies of chess history. It was discovered in 1490 and is also written in Gottingen manuscript. In this opening, the player sacrifices his white pawn by realizing the advantage of gaining it back. The additional advantage of this opening lies in the rapid development of your strategy in the game.
- The Alekhine defense This opening was invented by Alekhine thereby got its name. It was invented in 1921. This opening is famous for the provision of many transpositions during the game. I played this opening myself and is very successful for defensive play.
- The modern defense These winning chess openings are also one of the best defenses in the history of chess. It is played by many masters throughout the time for playing wisely. It can be turned into Indian king defense by the passage of time fleeting through the gameplay. It is widely used by masters of time throughout the world.
- King’s Indian defense This defense is one of oldest openings in the history of chess. It is played in d4 type games and is one my favorite defense type. The origin of this defense type cannot be anticipated but this gameplay is considered to be present since the invention of this game. It includes interesting moves of the bishop and developed knight and castle king.
- King Indian attack This opening is much known for its attack tactics. It is one of oldest and widely used opening in the history of mankind. It is abbreviated as KIA. It is related to Indian king defense but it has some extra tempo if compared to mentioned technique. This technique is included in one of the highest ranked chess openings only due to the conversion of black into white openings.
- The Dutch defense The most avaricious defense against d4 strategy is this type of opening. It is also known for its complexity as it gets converted into incomprehensible moves and positions for the opponent. It is very deceptive technique during playing because black in the diagonal gets weakened apparently but when you castle it will show its strength in the best way.
- The stonewall Attack All of the above-mentioned openings are small against this type. It is very difficult to understand the crux of this opening due to its complexity. I have learned this strategy by the use of the software. It is not so widely spread technique due to its rare comprehensibility. The professionals use this opening as the locked system which they consider the undefeatable opening of all time. This resembles a stone building around the opponent pawns which leads to checkmate. Most of the grandmaster considers it the lion of chess openings. It is also named as king of beasts or King of the openings. Let the game go on with these winning chess openings.